Tagged engagement


5 Questions to Ask Before You Say “I Do”

There are dozens (if not hundreds) of books and articles out there of extensive questions that you should go through with your potential mate. While they are all valid and important questions, I’m an I-love-questions-and-reading-articles kind of girl while my husband of almost ten years is a let’s-keep-this-as-short-and-sweet-as-possible kind of guy. While it is nice…


The Six People in Your Marriage… Who Gets Priority?

The youth pastor at our church got married last month. While I wasn’t able to attend, I heard the pastor made a point not often discussed: there are six people that enter into the marriage—you, your spouse’s expectation of you, God’s view of you, your spouse as they understand themselves, your expectation of your spouse,…


Improve Your Marriage By Refocusing Your Thoughts

You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on you, because he remains in you. —Isaiah 26:3 I heard a pastor’s wife share her story of how her marriage became better in the first few years the other day. Her story was one with the potential to strengthen any marriage at any…


The Gift of Disappointment

All marriages face disappointment. It doesn’t matter how well matched or how mature we are. We shouldn’t feel worried about occasional bouts of disappointment. We should feel concerned if we get stuck there. When we experience disappointment and it’s neither spouse’s fault (such as a loss of employment due to corporate downsizing or infertility), we…

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