The Ring

I looked down at my wedding ring the other day. I studied it thoughtfully and thought about how often, after 19 years of marriage, that I ignore its presence on my hand.

There was a time, right after I became engaged, that I couldn’t stop looking at my ring. I’d lift my hand up, and just smile as I gazed at the beautiful diamond sitting on my finger.

As the years went by, somehow, I looked at it less and less. Its presence became a “given.” I knew it was there, and so often, it was overlooked. It’s just like when you try to give someone directions to your house and you fail to remember what business sits on the corner of the street you want them to turn on. You pass it so often; you stop looking at it or really seeing it.

The same goes for a wedding ring. It’s there everyday. Always. And so you fail to continue to look at it.

But, look at it, I do. Sometimes just to remind myself of the commitment I made. To remind myself of the love I felt. To remind myself of joy. It’s not that I don’t always feel those things now. But back then I thought I’d never stop feeling them. I was overwhelmed with them. I couldn’t imagine all the things and feelings we’d go through in 19 years. Growing things. Hard things.

The ring I wear every day, is not only a reminder to me, but it’s a statement to the world. “I’m taken.” “I’m loved.” It feels good to know I have someone to go through life with me. Someone who has experienced some of the same trials and hurdles as I have and understands why I see things the way I do.

I have now spent almost as much time of my life with my husband, as I did without him. It’s strange knowing that. But it shows just how important our choices are when we choose our marriage partner.

I remember the day this ring was placed on my finger. I remember picking it out together. I remember the excitement. The hope. The love. The determination. I remember it all. And it’s important to take that with me in my “today.” The “today” that sees the dirty laundry, the grey hairs setting in, the “ugly” attitude days, and the days of irritation.

The ring. The ring that can bring it all back into focus just by remembering. By reminding me of my choice. My heart. My history. My love.

Photo Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo



Dionna Sanchez is a freelance writer/blogger who is passionate about faith, family, and living a life of character. Dionna strives to be authentic yet gentle, joyful but intentional, and humble yet wise. She continues to learn each year how to be a better wife. Visit her blog at or connect on Facebook at


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