I used to think all I wanted was a marriage where we never fight and always feel head over heels in love. Come to find out, I want an authentic and raw marriage that adapts to the changing seasons of life.
Marriage is loving each other through the messes:
It’s brewing the other person a cup of coffee when they’ve been up with a fussy baby all night.
It’s an “I appreciate you babe” text when they are at work and you’re thinking of them.
It’s wearing sweatpants and downing pizza together on a Friday night while you talk about your hopes and dreams for the future.
It’s the giddiness of assembling your children’s Christmas gifts and Valentine’s baskets together and seeing them light up like fireflies in a summer night’s sky.
It’s picking up tissues and cold medicine without being asked and making hot soup when the other person is sick.
It’s being your spouse’s hype man when they get a long-overdue promotion or encouraging them when they’ve been looked over for their hard work time and time again.
It’s praying for one another when you are battling depression or feeling less than.
It’s taking turns pacing the hallway as the baby fights sleep night after night.
It’s a smile from across the room that says “I see you babe” when you’re children are constantly needing your attention.
It’s changing diapers together, having family movie nights, and having epic dance parties in the kitchen.
Marriage is finding moments in the messy.
It’s taking a blank canvas and trying to make the most of what God’s given you in this season of life.
It’s taking car rides to the coffee shop drive-through with your crazy kids in tow on a Saturday morning.
Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts. It’s learning to depend on Him for strength in the craziness of life. It’s trying to make the most of the time you have together. It’s supporting one another in the changing seasons of life.
Make the most of your marriage today.
Dance in the kitchen.
Pray together.
Try to make your spouse laugh.
Leave love notes or blow a kiss from across the room.
Be real together.
Support one another’s dreams.
Marriage is saying “I still do” – through the messes and chaos of everyday life.
Photo by Candice Picard on Unsplash