Search for: communication


The Power of Owning What You Say

How do you think people around you would react if you received an emergency message that a loved one of yours had become gravely ill and was likely dying, and you responded with something like, “It’s best if I wait for a while before going to see him”? They would be very confused, wouldn’t they?…


Intimacy Gets Good When This Gets Strong

Whether I work with pre-marital couples or couples that have been together for thirty years, I often see one constant challenge when it comes to relationship struggles: communication. I once thought that communication was important so that couples could primarily discuss budgets, dreams, parenting, and sex. Yet, the more I provide counseling and coaching, the…


Marriage is Like a Mustard Seed

Today I received the following “What’s App” text from my husband: “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” —Ruth Bell Graham I replied: “We obviously have a happy marriage then—we both have to forgive so much all the time!” God, repentance, and forgiveness are three of the most vital ingredients needed in…

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