Tagged spouse


Presence Over Presents: Five Gifts Money Can’t Buy For Your Spouse

The Christmas season is one full of endless to-do lists, card writing to family and friends you rarely see, and last-minute gift buying and present hiding. It’s full of hot cocoa, Christmas carols, messy homes from entertaining and pillow forts, and early giggles on Christmas morning. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the season, it…


All the Wrong Faces

Sometimes the extraordinary we want is found in the ordinary we already have. —Linda Trammell One proverb asks a particularly intriguing question, “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs 31:10). Although the question seems pointed at single people, its message speaks to every reader—“finding” lasting love is a challenge….


How to Survive Dual Incomes Without Duels

Marriage is great, wonderful, and adventurous all at the same time…but sometimes it’s not. When couples are married and both work, things can become contentious very quickly. Things around the home can begin to get neglected and unless there is good communication about who will accomplish which task, you might start to feel like your…

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