

Communication is Vital!

George Bernard Shaw was attributed to saying, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” This problem that Shaw observed is often the result of one or more factors happening unbeknownst to the individual speaking. Something was spoken, but… what was said was misinterpreted. the recipient was distracted and did not…


What Your Partner Really Wants

The object of love is not getting something you want but doing something for the well being of the one you love. -Dr. Gary Chapman Does it ever feel like your significant other is speaking in a foreign tongue? Well, feel better, dear one, because most likely that’s exactly what’s happening. Imagine with me that two people…


How to Have a Good Marriage on Bad Days

There are times in your life and in your spouse’s life when you feel completely defeated. Abandoned. Sometimes trampled on by the circumstances of life. You may feel as if you are stuck in tiny, dark, pungent room and you work tirelessly to leave, only to find there is no way out. Satan is very…


Overcoming Hurtful Words — Interview with Janell Rardon

In Janell Rardon’s book, Overcoming Hurtful Words, she challenges readers to “reflect, reframe, and reauthor” their thinking to thrive in all areas of life. Focusing on the foundational importance of communication in marriage, I asked Janell, a Board Certified Life Coach, about the power of words in marriage, finding hope in trying times, and where…

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