I used to believe that one day my Prince Charming would walk through the door and I would elegantly smile and wave, knowing right then and there that he was ‘the One’. I imagined that our first date would be a beautiful sunset picnic overlooking a lake and we would slow dance for hours under the radiant stars. In that exact moment, I would gaze into his eyes and forget about all of my problems.
I was never boy crazy as a preteen or highschooler. At 16 years old, I had never been kissed. I had crushes before that time, but never an official boyfriend I went on dates with. I always seemed to have “bad luck” in this department. When I met my husband, our first date was not quite what I pictured for myself. We went bowling with our families, which was fun, but I was SO nervous that I had to keep excusing myself to the bathroom to throw up (my acid reflux was out of control!).
The truth is, our story is my “perfect story.” It was awkward, but it was beautiful. I would not kiss him for almost a year because I wanted to truly get to know someone without the physical pressures our world puts on relationships. This may come in a different form for you as this is a bit extreme, but the point is not to compromise your morals! What if while dating, we stopped kissing toads and focused on what God has for us right now?
Here are a few things to consider if you are dating or discussing dating principles with others in your life:
1. Consider the physical dynamic of your relationship
The act of physical intimacy is an emotional connection. That emotional connection brings feelings, longings and desires. It is important to base your dating principles off what God has for you rather than what society pressures you to do to be popular.
2. Think about your “forever” guy
Not many people only date and marry one person, but you can date someone who challenges you to be a better person. Date someone who puts God as the center of your relationship. Date someone who COULD be your future spouse. Date someone who does not ask or make you compromise your morals.
3. It’s okay to be single
Do not feel the need to start dating just for the title of being “off the market.” You must first realize that your true worth comes from Christ and Christ alone. No boyfriend, fiancée or husband will make you feel completely whole. You may need to take some time and delve into who God has created you to be and see what passions He has placed in your heart. It is okay to be single and spend some time developing that relationship with Christ. In all reality, this will only make your future relationship stronger instead of just dating the “wrong guys.”
Don’t go kissing toads … protect your heart when you can!
Make sure the first person who your heart is dedicated to is Jesus! He will treasure your heart every single day. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.