How can I make a night person wake up early?

QUESTION: “In Things I Wish I Had Known Before We Got Married you talk about differences in being a morning/night person. When I visit my fiancée out of town, I have problems waking him up – me being a morning person and him not so much a morning person. Do you have any suggestions on how to wake him up? I want to help, but we do not “communicate” well when it pertains to morning awakenings. His love language is mainly words of affirmation.” —Amber

ANSWER: “Your not going to change a night person into a morning person or…”  (play audio below to listen in full)

How can I make a night person wake up early?


Gary Chapman, PhD, is the author of the bestselling 5 Love Languages® series, which has sold more than 8 million worldwide and has been translated into over 40 languages. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars on marriage, family, and relationships, and his radio programs air on more than 400 stations. He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Karolyn. For more information visit

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